Table of Contents

4. Exercise: Packet Transmission

Most protocol in communication networks are packet oriented. To send a packet, all user data stored in the TX FIFO will be send. To store data in TX FIFO, function cc1200_reg_write will be used. As address parameter the address 0x3F will be provided and the data to store. After the TX FIFO has been filled. The CC1200 has to be switched into sending mode.

In sending mode, CC1200 will prepend the data to send with a programmable preamble and a sync word. After the data of the TX FIFO has been sent, an optional CRC will be calculated and also been sent. After sending a packet, CC1200 will go back to idle mode. The mode to enter after sending a packet can be changed by programming the RFEND_CFG0 register.

The aim of this exercise is to send fixed length packets and variable length packets.


This task requires


If you are able to transmit packets in fixed length mode, the next step will be to transmit packets in variable length mode:
