Module Overview

Learning Outcomes

After visiting this module, deep skills in network protocol programming including handling of Linux based embedded systems and knowledge of the design of common wireless network controllers and their programming will be obtained. Attendees of this module will be in the position to realize principles of telecommunication protocol mechanisms in real world applications. The emphasis lies on the design of low level protocol mechanisms at the border between the physical and data link layer according to the ISO/OSI model.

Learning Content

The structure of the module is formed by the “Protocol Programming Lab”: Goal of this course is the development of protocol programming skills. A platform for programming embedded systems - a BeagleBone Black from Texas Instruments - will be provided to control a low power high performance wireless RF transceiver operating in the license free 800 MHz band.

In a first step a programming environment setup must be created that consists of installing a Linux operating system and needed tools (e.g. compiler, linker) and also configuring and testing the operating system to be able to control the RF transceiver via the “Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)”, a very often used interface in embedded system applications.

After that, an API will be designed and implemented that enables access to the RF transceiver to control wireless channel parameters such as transmission power, frequency, modulation, bit-rate, etc. with the aim to transmit and receive protocol frames, which in turn enables the testing of the design of one of the following protocols:

  • Development of a Bluetooth like self-configuring adhoc-network protocol.
  • Development of IEEE 802.11 like procedures for rate control mechanisms to reduce frame losses.
  • Development of protocols to introduce channel bonding for capacity increase or packet loss reduction.

One of the above protocols will be chosen. It is also possible for participants to extent this list.

Module Components

Praktikum PR 0432 L 996 Protocol Programming Lab
(Cycle: every SS, Duration : 4 SWS)

Effort and Credits

Protocol Programming Lab (Praktikum) Multiplier Effort (in hours per week) Sum
Assignments 15.0 6h 90h
Preparation and follow-up 1,0 30h 60h
Presence 15.0 4h 30h

Learning Form

This module is taught as a lab with regular assignments throughout the semester.


Preferable Requirement to attend this module is the BSC Module „Kommunikationsnetze“ or similar knowledge.

Module Finish

Method of examination will be a graded portfolio audit. In total 100 Portfolio points can be obtained according to the table below. The final module grade will be given according to the §47 (2) AllgStuPO, using grade scheme (Notenschlüssel) 2 of Faculty IV.

Elements of examination Weight
(Deliverable assessment) 7 Lab Assignments 60
(Examination) 2 Oral Consultations 30
(Examination) Written Test 10

Module Duration

1 Semester.

Each Creditpoint equals 30.0 hours.
network_protocol_programming_lab/0_overview.txt · Last modified: 2019/03/26 09:03 by admin
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