CC1200 Overview

CC1200 is a so called high performance low power RF transceiver manufactured from Texas Instruments for wireless communication operating in the ISM (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical) and SRD (Short Range Device) frequency bands at 164–190 MHz, 410–475 MHz, and 820–950 MHz.

The CC1200 supports data rate up to 1.25 Mbps in transmit and receive direction. CC1200 supports hardware packet support for data handling by providing two separate FIFO's for packet reception and transmission. Packet handling support includes automatic preamble and snycword detection and generation. Also automatic CRC computation can be enabled. In its easy case users only need to provide user data, the rest ist done automatically.

The wireless communication part (RF part) is able to select a frequency band (400 MHz in USA, 800 MHz band in Europe and 169 MHz band for short range applications like alarm systems and sensors) and a transmission frequency within the selected frequency band. Multiple modulation schemes can be selected to meet application needs. Basic modulation techniques like 2-FSK, 2-GFSK, 4-FSK, 4-GFSK, MSK and OOK can be enabled. But also DSSS for high sensitivity can be used. If the maximum data rate is required, DSSS must be used.

network_protocol_programming_lab/15.1_cc1200_ovw.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/29 11:37 by admin
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