Exercise: Finalizing the FH system by implementing the sender

The last step will be to develop the sender of the “Frequency Hopping (FH)”-system. The sender is based on the Exercise 4. Exercise: Packet Transmission. In addition to this exercise, the following extensions are needed:

  • the baud rate need to be reduced to 1.2 kBaude,
  • the preamble should be set to 1 Byte,
  • the frequency must be changeable and the sender should use the same frequencies as the receiver see Exercise: Scanning faster and
  • the sender changes the frequency after transmission of a packet.


This task requires

  • Two ready BeagleBone Black equipped with the CC1200 operating at a symbol rate of 1.2 kBaude and a preamble length of 1 Byte.
  • no 4C


  • the programming is done by extending the source files of exercise 4. Exercise: Packet Transmission.
  • Test, if pre-calibration compared to normal calibration improves the stability of the system.


  • For simplicity, the sender changes the frequency in round robin manner.
  • Sender and receiver should use tree frequencies.
network_protocol_programming_lab/fh_sender.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/19 12:46 by rathke
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