Install Mac OS X High Sierra in Virtual Box

To install Mac OS X High Sierra in Virtual Box you need to things: An installation media of High Sierra and Virtual Box. We assume, you are running any Version of Mac OS X.

Get the needed Files

First, start with Mac OS X High Sierra:

To get Mac OS X High Sierra download it in the Mac App Store. After the download has completed, either the installer launches or High Sierra can not be installed, because it is too old. In the first case, quitt the in installer and do not proceed. In the second case do nothing. In both cases, you will find the installer in the application folder named macOS High Sierra installieren as shown in fig 1.

Fig. 1: Mac OS X Applikation Folder

We need this file later.

Next, we need Virtual Box from Oracle at You need the VirtualBox 6.1.4 platform package and VirtualBox 6.1.4 Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack. Download and install both.

Create an Installation Image of Mac OS X High Sierra

In the previous step, we downloaded file macOS High Sierra installieren. We use this file to create a DVD image file of the operation system, that will be used to install a new virtual machine in Virtual Box.

Let us start. First, launch Terminal App as shown in Fig 2

Fig. 2: Terminal App

Now we create a hard disk image with the name HighSierra.sparseimage by entering

hdiutil create -o HighSierra -size 8G -layout SPUD -fs HFS+J -type SPARSE

in Terminal App.

In the next step, we mount this image:

hdiutil attach HighSierra.sparseimage -noverify -mountpoint /Volumes/install_build

An icon of the hard disk install_build image will appear on the desktop folder.

Now, we copy the installer files of Mac OS X High Sierra in the new create image file install_build and we make the image file bootable:

sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ High\ --volume /Volumes/install_build

Notice, that the program “createinstallmedia” is part pf the package Install macOS High, that we downloaded as file macOS High Sierra installieren from the Apple server.

Next, we unmount the disk image:

hdiutil detach /Volumes/Install\ macOS\ High\ Sierra/

Finally, we convert the disk image to a DVD image:

hdiutil convert HighSierra.sparseimage -format UDTO -o HighSierra.iso

and move the DVD image to the desktop folder.

mv HighSierra.iso.cdr ~/Desktop/HighSierra.iso

And do not forget to erase the no more needed disk image:

rm HighSierra.sparseimage

This new created DVD image will be used to install Mac OS X High Sierra in Virtual Box.

Create a Virtual Machine of Mac OS X High Sierra using Virtual Box

Now, we can start building a virtual machine of Mac OS X High Sierra using Virtual Box. This procedure has only been tested using Mac OS X. What you need, is the Virtual Box App and a DVD image of Mac OS X High Sierra. How to create this DVD image was explained in the previous chapter.

Now, launch the Virtual Box App and create a virtual machine by pressing the New-button. A new window opens that guides you through the creation process (see Fig 3).

Fig. 3: Virtual Machine Creation

Give the virtual machine a meaningful name, select Mac OS X as the desired operating system and macOS 10.13 High Sierra (64 bit) as the operating system version. If you have finished, press continue.

In the next window (see Fig. 4), enter the amount of RAM. Choose 4096 MByte and go to the next window.

Fig. 4: Virtual Machine Creation

You will now be asked, which hard disk you like to use. Choose creation of a new hard disk for the virtual machine (see Fig. 5) and proceed.

Fig. 5: Virtual Machine Hard Disk

The type of the hard disk should be a VDI (Virtual Box Image). The size of the disk should be dynamically adjustable and at least 25 GByte.

After creating the hard disk the creation of the virtual machine is finished. An overview window is shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6: Virtual Machine Overview

The overview depicted in Fig.6 look different from your settings. Adjust the following parameters by freeing the modify-button at the top of the Window:

  • Number of CPUs will be 2,
  • Size of graphics memory will be 128 MByte,,
  • If Enabled, disable the SSD option if the hard disk
  • Disable the floppy disk drive,
  • and disable sound.

And most important choose for optical drive (SATA-Port 1) the HighSierra.iso file.

Now, start the virtual machine. After some cryptical message shown in th escreen, the boot process of Mac OS X start (look at Fig. 7).

Fig. 7: Max OS X Boot

At the end of the boot process the Mac OS X Installer launches as shown in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8: Max OS X Installer

Now, open Festplattendienstprogramm (Disk Utility). A new window, shown in Fig. 9 opens. Choose “show all” in the Menu Darstellung and select VBOX HARDDISK MEDIA.

Fig. 9: Festplattendienstprogramm

Asyou can see in Fig. 9, the disk ist not initialized. Press the Löschen-Button. A new window opens, as shown in Fig. 10.

Fig. 10: Erase Disk

Fill out needed parameters as shown in Fig 10. and quit Festplattendienstprogramm.

Back in the main window (see Fig. 11) of the installer, choose macOS installieren.

Fig. 11: Installer Main Window

After license agreements and prompting for hard disk name, the installation process will start. It should be mentioned, that the installation will be cancelled with the error “installation program is corrupted. In this case try changing the computer date with the command

date 0308143015

using the Terminal app.

But everything is fine, the installation will start (see Fig. 12).

Fig. 11: Mac OS X installation

After the installation is completed, you will see the Mac OS X Desktop of High Sierra. It is a good advice to install now the Virtual Box Guest Additions. For this, you have to eject the installation image of High Sierra and to choose then Item Insert Guest CD Image of the Device menu. This menu is only visible after start of a virtual machine. After the image has been mounted, the Desktop is similar as shown in Fig. 12.

Fig. 13: Mac OS X installation

Open and Install the package VBoxDarwinAdditions.pkg. After the installation is finished, you are ready to use Mac OS X High Sierra.

Not go back to 2_1_access_via_usb to continue connecting the BeagleBone Black to the USB interface.

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